Tips to Help Your Appliances Last Longer


High-quality Baking Dishes

Metal baking pans tend to lose heat quickly. When you use heat-retaining ceramic or glass baking dishes, you’ll be able to turn the temperature down by 20 degrees. Your food will cook exactly the same, and you’ll save money on your energy bill.


Washing Machine Hoses

It’s always a good idea to turn the water off at the faucet after each wash. Even with care, hoses tend to deteriorate over time. They should typically be replaced once every 7 years.

Keep it Clean

The bottom of your oven needs to be a bright, shiny clean so the surface can reflect heat back at your food rather than absorbing it. When you have a clean oven, you do more than just save energy by cooking your food more quickly, you help your oven last longer by using it less.


Overloading a Washing Machine

It’s never a good idea to overload washing machines with too many clothes. The pressure can cause internal hoses to give out.

Your Ice Maker and Vacation

When you need to leave home for an extended period of time, it’s always a good idea to turn off the refrigerator’s ice maker (the refrigerator itself should remain on). When an unused ice maker as the left running, water can freeze in its pipes.


Check your Belts

Washing Machine belts should be checked periodically for wear or stretching. Belts in poor shape force machines to work harder than they really need to.

During those Cold Winters

If your temperatures drop any lower than 40°F, it’s not a good idea to set a frost-free refrigerator in an unheated area. Not only will the compressor have trouble running, the water may also freeze in the drainpipes.


Right Pans for your Burners

Make use of a pan that fits the burner correctly to permit efficient heat distribution with large pans. Stay away from squandering energy to heat air around a tiny pan.